About The Brown Leaf Cigar LLC
Brown Leaf Cigar LLC is a tribute to Rell’s grandfather, Samuel Brown Jr. The creation of our brand is our way of expressing our gratitude and paying homage to him. Mr. Brown introduced Rell to the world of cigars and pipes when he was young. The inspiration behind the name of our esteemed group comes from the fond memories of smoking with his grandfather. Rell is a highly knowledgeable and experienced cigar connoisseur. His aspiration was for me to acquire the same level of expertise as he possesses. I believe that this aspiration is reflected in our Facebook group.
My husband introduced me to the world of cigars and I fell in love with the culture and it’s rich history. Rell taught me about cigar etiquette and its significance. He educated me on the various types of wrappers, binders, and fillers. As my palate developed, I began reading about each cigar before smoking it. We documented our experiences, including the cigars we smoked and the pairings we enjoyed.
We established the Brown Leaf Cigar Group in the year 2018. In 2019, we organized our inaugural meet and greet event, driven by the desire to connect with our members. The Brown Leaf Cigar Annual Meet and Greet commenced as a modest gathering of approximately 30 individuals. However, due to the unfortunate circumstances surrounding the Covid-19 pandemic, we were unable to host our annual event from 2021 to 2022. Nevertheless, we resumed this tradition in 2023 and intend to continue organizing our Annual Meet and Greet every year moving forward.
We operate with complete transparency and honesty. Our Facebook group is a genuine community of cigar enthusiasts who share their passion for cigars without any pretense or exaggeration.